To educate a broader audience about all that the PS3 could do, we created Kevin Butler, the fictional VP at PlayStation. He quickly became the most famous advertising icon in the gaming industry.

The "Dear PlayStation" campaign doubled purchase intent and helped the PS3 outsell the XBOX360 for the first time ever, for 13 consecutive months. 

Below are just a few TV spots from the "Dear PlayStation" campaign.

The Kevin Butler character was an instant hit on TV, but we had the most fun using him everywhere else. In fact, about half the gaming community thought he was a real Vice President at Playstation, so we ran with that. 

@TheKevinButler became the most-followed brand character on Twitter. He reached over 130,000 followers including all the gaming press, so we used his Twitter page to launch online campaigns, videos, TV spots and co-op advertising, etc.

We discovered that a TV network in New Zealand made an exact rip-off of one of our ads. Rather than send in SONY lawyers, we had KB write a press release thanking them for such a well-done tribute. The whole thing turned into a back-and-forth international brand peace treaty.

When KB was asked to name his favorite sandwich in a magazine interview, we invented one! Then we posted the recipe on Twitter. Soon kids everywhere were challenging themselves to eat the Kevin Butler sandwich. It was even featured on NPR.

We wrote an E3 Keynote speech for Kevin Butler that was 50% Patton speech, 50% product introduction and 100% awesome. It was the highlight of SONY's press conference and made all the "Best of E3" lists that year.

After three years Kevin Butler made a dubious exit from PlayStation marketing. But he still lives on in gamers' hearts — and their "Butlerized" Photo Gallery on Facebook. He also he has quite an extensive Wikipedia page.